April 19, 1886 Monday 

April 19 Monday – Pamela Moffett wrote to Sam from Quincy, Ill. on her way to New York. She was spending “a few days” in Quincy after having stayed with Orion and Mollie for two weeks. She asked Sam not to say anything about what Orion owed her, “in case of Ma’s death,” as she wanted to contribute her share toward taking care of Ma.

Orion does take most devoted care of her, and the task is growing more and more difficult, owing to her peculiar mental condition. She is constantly threatening to leave there, but there is no place in the world, where she would be as well satisfied as she is there [MTP]. Note: Orion and Mollie’s letters to Sam throughout this period are full of Ma’s erratic behavior.

Charles Webster wrote to Sam about papers sent for review and return. The Webster baby’s eye was “safe” after a near injury; the sofa was ordered and Sam should be getting it this week; he “just received another letter from Mrs. White from Rome full of the same fulsome taffy as the last, so you see they are all right” [MTP]. (Whitford to Webster Apr. 19 enclosed.)

From Susy Clemens’ diary:

Yes the Mind Cure does seem to be working wonderfully. papa who has been using glasses now, for more than a year, has laid them off entirely. And my nearsightedness is realy getting better. It seems marvelous! When Jean has a stomack ache, Clara and I have tried to divert her, by telling her to lie on her side and try Mind Cure. The novelty of it, has made her willing to try it, and then Clara and I would exclaim about how wonderful it was it was getting better! and she would think it realy was finallyk, and stop crying, to our delight.

      The other night papa read us a little article, which he had just written entitled “Luck,” it was very good we thought.

      The stories of prevailing interest, which Papa tells us is “Jim and the strainin rag” and “Whoop says I” Jim and the strainin rag is simply a discription of a little scene way out west, but he tells it in such a funny way, that it is captivating [Papa 214].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.