April 20, 1886 Tuesday

April 20 Tuesday –  In Hartford Sam wrote two notes to Charles Webster. In the first included several business matters plus a sentiment of encouragement that “the little fellow’s eye is going to be saved” (Webster’s son.) Sam had read Henry M. Alexander’s letter (of Alexander & Green about giving an answer to Jesse Grant joining Webster & Co.) and would stop in and discuss it “day after tomorrow noon (Thursday).” Note: The MTP lists this as Apr. 22, which was Thursday, the day Sam went to New York to speak at the Author’s Club. Therefore, this letter is assigned a date of Apr. 20, Tuesday.

In the second note Sam wanted copies of six of his books sent to Prudence Crandall Philleo of Elk Falls, Kansas. Sam referred to her as “Connecticut’s heroine,” a title formally installed by the 1995 Connecticut legislature.

Jane Clemens wrote to Sam about not getting out much and not liking Keokuk much; and about her relations and friends, most of whom were long gone. Sam wrote on the envelope, “Longing after the school-mates of 70 years ago” [MTP].

F. Siemens Von Osterman in Dresden, Germany wrote asking if he might translate TA, LM, P&P. He provided Sam with a few references and the name of his publisher [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.