May 14, 1886 Friday

May 14 Friday – Alfred P. Burbank wrote to Sam on Lotos Club stationery advising that Frank Mayo “comes into the Lyceum May 24th on ½ gross receipts.” He thought they might “recoup” some of their expenses on the aborted Sellers play [MTP].

Karl Gerhardt wrote that the Beecher bust was “receiving its just deserts [sic] in way of flattering criticism from the New York papers” [MTP].

Sam inscribed on the flyleaf of vol. 2 of a special presentation copy of Grant’s MemoirsThis set belongs to the set given me by Mrs. U.S. Grant S.L.C. May 14, 1886 [Christie’s, Lot 103 Sale 1720 Nov. 26, 2006; avail. Online]. Note: the set had a special binding of tree calf with morocco slipcase. It was also inscribed by Mrs. Grant (Julia D. Grant): For / Mr. S.L. Clemens / with the compliments of / Julia D. Grant / New York / Dec. 25th 1885.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.