May 22, 1886 Saturday

May 22 Saturday – In Hartford Sam wrote to L.W. Bartlett for Putnam Phalanx, a Hartford military organization that had conferred a life honorary membership upon him. The Hartford Courant ran the full text of the letter on June 3, p.3 under “The Putnam Phalanx” article.

Hartford, May 22, 1886

Mr. L.W. Bartlett, Secretary.

Dear Sir: The honor done me by the Putnam Phalanx in conferring upon me a life membership in their distinguished body is a recognition of my military record which is peculiarly grateful to my feelings, and I beg leave to return through you my best thanks for the compliment.

In my opinion your organization is not complete; the rest of the Phalanx can always be depended upon in time of war, and I shall never fail you in time of peace. With great respect I am yours truly, S.L. Clemens [Note: See also June 17, 1887MTNJ 3: 294n230.]

William B. Franklin invited Sam to the West Point Graduate Association dinner, enclosing a letter from the secretary of that group [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.