May 26, 1886 Wednesday 

May 26 Wednesday – In Hartford Sam wrote a longish letter to Edward H. House, relating a supposed conversation with Livy about Koto being unable to visit, and Livy’s supposed anger over a future visit Koto promised to the Goldthwaiths. The conversation was full of swearing, but Sam added this disclaimer:

I have not reported merely the spoken words of our conversation, but also those which were uttered secretly in the heart. The soul of a conversation seldom comes forth to the air in articulate words.

Sam also wrote that his “long visit” to House put “far too heavy a tax” upon him. Note: the Goldthwaits were English descendants of Thomas Goldthwaite, an early settler in Salem, Mass. The 1886 Geer’s City Directory for Hartford lists “Misses Charlotte and Jane Goldthwait” (no “e”) boarding at 203 Sigourney.

Henry M. Alden for Harper & Brothers wrote a letter of introduction to Sam for MrsZadel B. Gustafson, a visiting female correspondent for the London Pall Mall Gazette [MTP]. See June 5 entry from Zadel.

Orion Clemens wrote acknowledging receipt of an extra $100 from Sam. The family was looking forward to the Clemenses visit. Ma went with Orion and Mollie to Burlington the day before on a steamboat, and was well today [MTP].

J.S. Lombard wrote a postcard to Sam from Boston that he’d “received from Mr. Thompson One Watercolor to frame” and would ship when completed [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.