July 23, 1886 Friday 

July 23 Friday – Pamela Moffett wrote from Keokuk, Iowa to Sam. This is a long letter, some seventeen small page sides, mostly about her finances and how she and her son, Samuel Moffett were doing okay. She added praise for Livy and the children:

To say the people here thought Livy charming, does not give an idea of the intense admiration they express for her. They idolize Mark Twain. They admire all the children. I am glad you like the Moffetts. Please do not think any more about having hurt my feelings — it is not worth remembering [MTP].

Webster & Co. Wrote another letter to Sam about the Wanamaker lawsuit:

The point of the case seems to be this: To prove that the person from whom Mr. Wannamaker purchased the books had no right to sell to him. This, of course, we can do, as our contracts with both General Agents and special agents were such that it gave them no right to sell to any trade man [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.