July 29, 1886 Thursday 

July 29 Thursday – Sam wrote to Thomas W. Knox (letter not extant) inviting him for a drink [Referred to by Knox on Aug. 2].

William H. Gillette wrote to Sam about the long-running play, The Professor, in which he played the title role of Professor Hopkinsand Sam’s “remaining deficit” on the work. Gillette expressed that he’d hoped to “do some dramatic work with” him “or assist…in some way in that line…” [MTP]. Note: Sam fronted Gillette the money to produce the play back in 1880 (see Jan. 9, 1880 entry).

Edward H. House wrote an apologetic and jocular letter to Livy [MTP].

Julius G. Rathbun, Hartford pharmacist, wrote to Sam thanking him for a check for $25 for an unspecified club. Rathbun mentions Ned Bunce in the letter [MTP].

Webster & Co. Typed a short note to Sam advising that they’d received new insurance policies for $70,000 and a bill, which was paid, for $387.75. The amount was corrected in writing to $70,500 [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.