August 19, 1886 Thursday

August 19 Thursday – In Elmira Sam wrote to Frederick J. Hall. He was still analyzing newspapers and em counts; he asked Hall to send him “the name and address of every daily newspaper in the U.S. and Canada that contains fully 2 pages of new matter daily.” Sam also wanted a list of compositor’s unions in the U.S. — where located and number of members. He suggested Hall put the job in “the hands of some advertising agency — Rockwell’s or some other” [MTLTP 203-4].

Sam also wrote to Franklin G. Whitmore of the unloading of stock in the “Water Closet concern” the day before. He also asked, “Do we own that Texas land yet? Maybe there’s oil in it…Look it up & see” [MTP]. Note: See Oct. 27, Nov. 25, Dec. 30, 1882 entries about the Archer County, Texas land.

Franklin G. Whitmore wrote from Hartford that Sam’s “magnanimous offer to my son William greatly pleased him, & he tested himself yesterday — he set 4,200 ems in an hour.” On the matter of Sam’s Hartford furnace, Whitmore doubted that hot water could heat a house well, but steam could [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.