August 21, 1886 Saturday

August 21 Saturday – In Elmira Sam wrote one line that he would keep a confidence for this unidentified person [MTP].

Sam’s notebook: Proposed that we overcome the 2-line-letter difficulty by having the 2-line letters cast in exact fractions of an em; set quads in their place & stick the letters in the galley, afterward./ Within the past few days the Tribune has ceased from using its first set of matrices; it was quite time, for they were worn out. The first I heard of that machine setting Tribune matter was last isterin — or maybe a month earlier — it was still in Baltimore then. Got it from Laffan, but there was never evidence in the Tribune itself until one month ago (July 23.) Now whether they wore out that set in 8 months or 1 month, the fact remains: it’s a costly luxury to its employer. / The Trib introduced 2 new sets lately — the first about the first of this month — the other a week or two later [MTNJ 3: 251].

Note: Much of Sam’s energy, imagination and hopes during this period rested with the developing Paige typesetter and its competitors, especially the Mergenthaler Linotype machine, now in trial at the New York Tribune. But while the Paige was continually tinkered with, the others were being used.

The Hartford Courant reported on Aug. 21, p.1 “The Soldiers’ Monument” that S.L. Clemens was appointed to the Invitations Committee at a citizen’s meeting the night before (Aug. 20). Sam may or may or may not have agreed, but was in Elmira.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.