August 31, 1886 Tuesday

August 31 Tuesday – From Sam’s notebook, a startling plan. One wonders what reaction this idea brought.

Aug. 31, 1886. Revealed to L my project of buying the remains of Christopher Columbus & placing them in the base of the Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World, in New York harbor. No — rotunda of the Capitol at Washington [MTNJ 3: 252&n81]. Note: Someone, presumably Paine, wrote “ivy” next to the “L” assuming it was Livy, but it might have referred to Laffan — see note in source. It seems to be a far-fetched and rather tasteless matter to have approached Livy with — certainly Sam would have known she would have nixed it. Laffan seems more likely.

Franklin G. Whitmore sent a list of recent expenses totaling $20.93. On the envelope Sam wrote, “Send a check” [MTP].

August 31–September 3 Friday – Sam’s notebook between the above Sept. 1 entry and one dated Sept 3, made several references to cats at Quarry Farm: Sour Mash, Golden Rod, Zoroaster Morning Glory Staunchfield; also a quote of one of the Clemens’ girls about a dog named Shep: “He is a very nice dog — in his manners”.

Golden Rod. He’s got the prettiest face — & & — the nicest manners of all the cats.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.