September 29, 1886 Wednesday

September 29 Wednesday – Dr. John Nutting Farrar, New York orthodontist, wrote to Sam with an estimate of $350 to $400 for work to straighten Clara Clemens’ teeth. The doctor wrote that the work was “among the most difficult in the profession and must be done right or, no good” [MTNJ 3: 258n103; MTP]. Clara was examined by the doctor sometime between Sept 18 and 24.

Charles and Annie Webster sailed from London for home [MTLTP 207n1bottom].

Charles J. Langdon wrote on Gilsey House stationery, New York.

My Dear Sam! Yours 27th reaches me here. Mother’s note to Livy draws 5% interest….I don’t know where Livy can find as good an investment, certainly not in Govts. Julia goes into school tomorrow. The more we see of the school the better we like it [MTP].

Orion Clemens wrote acknowledging check from Webster & Co. For $155. This was another long letter about the strange behavior of their aged mother:

Saturday Ma came downstairs with [illegible word] and shawl on to go home at once, an enterprise from which she could not be turned. Mollie asked Mr. Marshall to walk around the block with her. On Sixth street she asserted boldly, unsupported by fact, that Col. Patterson had invited her to dinner, and she must go [MTP].

Frederick J. Hall wrote of Webster & Co. Developments. Charles Webster and wife were to sail this day; the McClellan book went to press the day before; he’d have a set of proofs sent to John Hay; he enclosed information secured by P.B. Bromfield, who’d sent out 1,289 circulars to secure information Sam wanted on newspaper dailies in the U.S. Altogether Bromfield had received 1,418 “satisfactory answers” (no explanation of why more answers than flyers sent). Hall had not heard from Mr. Pascoe of the Typographical Union since writing him the letter Sam had suggested [MTP].

Bissell & Co. Wrote to Sam about two bonds signed by W.G. Brown for $1,000 each upon which coupons were due on the first day of April and October. The owner was impatient for payment. Sam wrote on the top of the letter to Whitmore,

Brer W. –Have you overlooked these bonds? I do not remember them. SLC [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.