December 15, 1886 Wednesday

December 15 Wednesday – At the request of the King of Belgium, Henry M. Stanley sailed from New York to return to the Congo [Brooklyn Eagle, Dec. 15, 1886 p.6 “Stanley’s Farewell”].

In Hartford Sam wrote to William Smith, the English author (see Dec. 14 entry) enclosing the apologetic letter and challenge from publisher E.L. Osgood. If he did not receive the book afterward, Sam asked Smith to let him know,

…in that case it is my purpose to go out & kill all persons of the name of Osgood, regardless of age or sex [MTP].

G. Dallas Lind wrote from Danville, Ind. On Central Normal College letterhead. Lind was gathering information to publish a book in ten years hence, and asked, “Do you use tobacco? If so in what form, what is it you smoke or chew?” Sam wrote on the envelope “Disciple of Chesterfield. Not answered” [MTP].

Pamela Moffett wrote from N.Y.C. and quoted at length a letter from her son, Samuel Moffett. She had sold her San Diego property for $3,000 with $500 down and a mortgage at 8 per cent. She usually signed her letters with her initials, fittingly, “P.A.M.” [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.