April 2, 1888 Monday

April 2 Monday – Webster & Co. wrote to Sam that they’d been notified by Gen. Sheridan that his book was now “all revised, and that he will send the manuscript…very shortly.” Maps included [MTP].

Edward B. Hooker wrote to Sam thanking him for efforts on behalf of his engraver friend, Mr. Bass, who had “secured a position in Boston, so that for the present at least he is not in want” [MTP].

Charles M. Underhill wrote to Sam that he’d received his letter of Mar. 30 and the check, which he’d hand to Josephus Nelson Larned, for the purpose of publishing the late David Gray’s poetry [MTP].

Henry M. Alden for Harper & Brothers sent Sam a $100 check which they’d overlooked doing on acceptance of Sam’s article, “Petition to the Queen” [MTP].

Dr. J.N. Farrar, N.Y. wrote to Sam enclosing a bill and a promise not to charge extra for follow up examinations of “Miss Clara” to make certain the straightening “goes right” [MTP].

Clarence L. Palmer & Co, dealers in Meats, Poultry and Vegetables, Hartford, billed $93.67: “Amt Bill per pass book” (no detail); Paid Apr. 5 [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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