April 5, 1888 Thursday

April 5 Thursday – In Hartford Sam telegraphed Augustin Daly, asking,

Send 3 tickets to murray hill hotel for tomorrow night I will pay at the door [MTP]. Note: it’s conjectural who the third ticket was for, perhaps Susy.

William Dean Howells was in New York City and wrote to Sam. Perhaps he did not know of the Clemens family’s arrival in the City the next day, because it isn’t mentioned in his letter. Howells remarked on Sam’s two essays about Labor, which he thought,

…about the best thing yet said on the subject; but it is strange you can’t get a single newspaper to face the facts of the situation. Here the fools are now all shouting because the Knights of Labor have revenged themselves on the Engineers, and the C. B. & Q. strike is a failure…. No man could safely make himself heard in behalf of the strikers any more than for the anarchists [MTHL 2: 599].

Howells then refers to the Rev. John C. Kimball, asking if Sam had seen the man yet. Kimball, pastor of the First Unitarian Congregational Society of Hartford gave a “clemency sermon” in support of the Haymarket anarchists, which resulted in a defeated motion to eject him from his pulpit. For more on Howells remark of the failed strike of workers on the Philadelphia & Reading RR, see MTHL 2: 600n1 top.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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