June 5, 1888 Tuesday

June 5 Tuesday – In Hartford Sam wrote to President Cleveland’s wife, Frances F. Cleveland. An excerpt of Sam’s letter relating to Cleveland’s birthday, Mar. 18, when Sam was in Washington, may be seen in that entry [MTP].

Sam also wrote a short note to General Lucius Fairchild:

Although I can’t be there, on that memorable occasion, my spirit will be there, & my heart along with it [MTP]. Note: See Fairchild’s June 2 on his play Die Meisterschaft.

Frederick J. Hall wrote to Sam proposing that the Sheridan books sell for

$3.00 a volume, $6.00 a set [since it] will make a scant 500 pages to each volume, and the volumes will probably be a trifle thinner than the “Grant.”… You will remember that we had a great many complaints about the price of the Grant book, and…all whom I have talked with advise lessening the price of the Sheridan…. The difference to us is very slight as the 50cts. extra on each volume goes principally to the General Agent and the canvasser [MTNJ 3:388n299]. Note: the price was set at these levels.

Thomas A. Edison per A.O. Tate wrote to Sam: “In reference to your letter under date 25th ult., I am at present conducting experiments in connection with Phonograph cylinders for mailing purposes. Just as soon as these are completed I will see that you are supplied with a couple of Phonographs” [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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