June 21 Thursday – Sam’s notebook suggests a planned New York meeting between himself and Charles Scribner at the Murray Hill Hotel at 2 p.m. [MTNJ 3: 392]. Scribner demanded compensation for a book contract from Philip H. Sheridan that was unfulfilled. James B. Pond had represented Sheridan in the matter. Late in June, Webster & Co. offered $5,000 to Scribner out of the profits of the book, half from the General’s share. Additionally they would allow excerpts from the book to run in Scribner’s Magazine. The devil was in the details of which parts of the book that would be used in the magazine, ones that would not devalue the book. Acceptable entries were included in the Nov. 1888 issue, and in return, Scribner released all rights to a book [MTNJ 3: 387n294].
June 21, 1888 Thursday
10 October 2023
Entry Date
Jun 21, 1888 - Thu
Day By Day Acknowledgment
Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.