October 1, 1888 Monday

October 1 Monday – In Hartford this morning Sam began hanging out at Joe Twichell’s house in order to get away from the home fires to continue work on Connecticut Yankee. He was under some pressure to finance the Paige typesetter, and so even though his normal summer writing season was over, he pressed on. [Oct. 5 to Crane].

Sam also answered the June 2 letter from Mary Fairchild, daughter of Lucius Fairchild, in Madison, Wisc. about production of Sam’s play, Die Meisterschaft.

I thank you ever so much for not forgetting to remember to send me the press notice and the quaint program and the pleasant letter which enclosed them.

I am ever so glad to hear of the success of the Meisterschaft. I wrote it for use in our house, — to play with the children; but gave up that project because I should have been obliged to take a chief character and stick to the text; a thing which would have been impossible with my rickety memory.

But last spring we got some young friends together from outside and played it to a hundred guests in our library, and had a perfectly gaudy time [MTP].

Sam wrote that in this last production he played the part of Mr. Stephenson, not memorizing the lines but only the cues, and making up the part as he went along. Sam sent regards to Mary’s father, Lucius.

Under “Literary Notes” p.2, the New York Times announced:

 — The sixth volume of Mr. Stedman’s and Miss Hutchinson’s “Library of American Literature” will be issued this season by Charles L. Webster & Co.

 Samuel E. Dawson for Dawson & Brothers wrote to Sam that he’d written to Webster about taking on the Sheridan book. The matter could be arranged as long as he didn’t take a loss. He was more careful on this book because he was going out of the retail business on Jan. 1 [MTP].

J.J. Poole & Co, Anthracite and Bituminous Coal, Hartford, billed $360.10 for Aug. 15, 16, 17 deliveries; Paid Oct. 10

J.G. Rathbun & Co., Pharmacists, Hartford billed $35.05 for: July 19, Vaseline .25, July 24 ammonia & Oil cedar .25; Aug 3, Castor Oil .40 Aug 21 Sperm Oil .25; Aug 30 300 Cigars 12.00; Express paid .40, Sept 10 500 Cigars 20.00, Sept 28 Spanish Castille Soap 1.50; Paid Oct. 2

Clarence L. Palmer & Co, dealers in Meats, Poultry and Vegetables, Hartford, billed $71.92 “Amt Bill per pass book” (no detail); Paid Oct. 4[MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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