October 19, 1888 Friday 

October 19 Friday – Orion Clemens wrote to Sam: “Yours of 15th just received. I will tell Pamela, and remember for myself. / Your nerves must be super-sensitive under the horrible strain of suspense about the machine. You have been so kind to me that I am sincerely desirous of helping you.” Orion wanted to go to N.Y. to look after Sam’s interests [MTP].

Eaton & Lewis for Thomas A. Edison wrote to Sam asking him the date of his visit to Edison’s laboratory in Orange, N.J. “last summer” for use in a lawsuit they were in [MTP].

Jeannette L. Gilder for Critic sent Sam a printed flyer asking “Do you deem any American poet worthy of this honor” [of being placed with 13 English greats] If so, which one?” [MTP].

Nov. 1 bill from Postal Telegraph-Cable Co. of Hartford shows a telegram this date to H. Cavling, Brooklyn for 77 cents [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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