January 6, 1890 Monday

January 6 MondayGeorge W. Cable wrote to Sam from Northampton, Mass.

I have asked my publishers…to send you a copy of my Strange True Stories of Louisiana [Gribben 124]. Note: Strange True Stories of Louisiana by Cable was published in 1889.

Mrs. H.W. Beall wrote from Mayesville, S.C., having learned of Sam’s generosity in sending books to Miss Pruddine’s Academy — she’d heard it from Grace King. This made her a beggar for some books, she wrote. Sam wrote on the env., “Brer W. send her a lot of books & all our old magazines? SLC” [MTP].

Charles E. Flandrau, attorney in St. Paul, Minn, wrote to Sam: “Yours of 3d incl. — with 109 shares Roller Mill Stock recd — Enclosed please fine my check for $1090…”  [MTP]. Note: see Jan. 3 Flandrau.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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