February 7, 1890 Friday

February 7 Friday – In Boston, William Dean Howells wrote to Sam of James A. Herne being “immensely pleased with the main points of” the play, The American Claimant (Colonel Sellers as a Scientist).

…but we both think the materialization must all come out, and Sellers kept sane, and broadened, deepened, softened — made everything [John T.] Raymond could do and all he couldn’t do. If you can get the play back from Burbank, I’ll sketch a new plot keeping all the good that’s now in it, and involving your notion of rich international marriage. Then Herne will be sure whether he wants it. I like him better and better. He was wonderfully intelligent about the piece, and could edit it splendidly, and play it to break your heart with joy [MTHL 2: 630].

On or just after this day, Sam gave the Feb. 6 Scribner’s letter to Franklin G. Whitmore, writing on the bottom for him to refer them to Charles Hopkins Clark of the Hartford Courant for the biographical sketch they requested.

Orion Clemens wrote to Sam: “Ma has La Grippe. She is suffering a great deal. The doctor says the case is not alarming, but intimates that her age is…” Orion had secured 15 subscribers for CY [MTP].

W.N. Garrison for American Notes & Queries wrote advising Sam where he might buy a copy of “a very old ‘Medicinal Dictionary’ dating back…to the XVI Century.” He PS’d that this was “not a bid for an autograph!” Sam wrote on the envelope, “Must write & thank him” [MTP].

William B. Smith, Hartford dairy, billed $12.74 (no bill date) for Feb 7 purchases milk, cream; Paid Apr. 12 [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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