February 8, 1890 Saturday

February 8 SaturdayC. Harry Eaton, secretary for the American Water Color Society, sent Sam a printed invitation to a St. Valentine’s night dinner at the Academy of Design, New York. Sam wrote on the env., “Brer Please decline it. SLC” [MTP]. See Feb. 9.

Karl Gerhardt sent Sam an insurance policy assignment valued at $1,000 for investment in the Paige typesetter [MTP] See Feb. 10.

Lloyd S. Bryce (1851-1917) for North American Review wrote to solicit a submission from Sam [MTP].

Orion Clemens wrote Sam a one-sentence note that Ma was better [MTP].

Dean Sage wrote to Sam having heard his side of the Edward House affair and sympathizing with Sam [MTP].

Daniel Whitford wrote to Sam that he received “the bundle of letters sent by Whitmore,” but nothing he could use in his motion for injunction, which he would submit on Monday, Feb. 10. He enclosed $218.58 check as Sam’s portion of the gross receipts of $5,914.40 for the P&P play for the previous week  [MTP]. Note: this is the sole time in sending receipts that Whitford specified Sam’s portion, here some 3.6%.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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