February 26, 1890 Wednesday

February 26 WednesdayWilliam J. Hamersley wrote to Sam that “Paige told me yesterday that you wanted me to try to sell some royalties & I have tried and can do nothing” [MTP].

Daniel Whitford wrote to Sam:

I returned you the manuscript last night by Adams express. Mr. Frohman said that Mrs. Richardsons’ letter was wholly uncalled for and entirely out of the spirit in which the manuscript was handed to her…as a party to the contract with a statement of what you wished and a request that in places where there was too much of the dialogue she would see where it could be cut down and returned to him. His expenses have been so far in New York about five thousand dollars a week and, of course, he has made nothing yet. The play will be in Hartford before long [MTP].

Frederick J. Hall wrote to Sam asking for a “few of the originals of Beard’s drawings” to make up a poster — Hall would make sure they were safely returned. He added a handwritten PS to this typed letter:

I am just in receipt of a letter from Mr. Orion Clemens saying that Keokuk had not been well canvassed on Yankee & that he had learned that Peoria and Quincy had not been properly worked either. These places are in Peale’s field & I have written him sharply about them. He is under contract to sell 5000 copies of the work [MTP]. Note: R.S. Peale & Co., Chicago book agents.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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