May 26, 1890 Monday

May 26 Monday – H.A.L. Christian wrote to Sam to settle a $40 bet — did Sam serve on the Confederate side? [MTP].

Wesley Washington Pasko (seen also as Pasco) wrote from N.Y. to Sam enclosing articles on various typesetters, which Sam annotated and corrected in six places. Pasko was the recording secretary of the N.Y. Typothetae [MTNJ 3: 555n223]. He wrote:

I have no hesitation in saying that I regard your machine as the most ingenious piece of machinery it has ever been my pleasure to see. It works admirably. During the two hours I saw it going it did not once require to be stopped to adjust a trifle, or to replace a screw or a spring — something that I have never before seen in a type-setting machine [MTP]. Note:also, Bonham’s Auction Jun 27, 2006 lot 3110

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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