October 14, 1890 Tuesday

October 14 Tuesday – C.M. Dally wrote on Hartley & Graham, Arms & Ammunition, N.Y. letterhead to ask Sam for a copy of his letter to the Queen. Sam wrote “Brer Refer him to Harper’s Magazine” [MTP].

Denning & Co. N.Y. dealer returned Sam’s check for $1.40 for a bill paid twice [MTP].

James B. Pond wrote to his dear “Mark,” enclosing a schedule for Stanley’s lecture tour of the US.

Very glad to get your letter. I knew you were to be at the Stanley Club dinner. Your name & Nye’s & DePew were the only ones suggested outside the Club….Have you got it down to go to Boston with us Nov. 18 & to introduce Stanley? [MTP].

George H. Warner wrote to Sam (clippings of 2 letters encl.): “I think you told me you had not seen the enclosed, which I have just come across in my desk and send to unkindle your hate.” The newspaper clippings, from the N.Y. Dramatic Mirror of Aug. 12 and Aug 18, a letter from Frohman to House, and from House to the Editor, respectively [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.