October 15, 1890 Wednesday

October 15 Wednesday – In Hartford Sam wrote to Frederick J. Hall about book matters — he’d go along with Hall on a proposed book by Charles Warren Stoddard; he didn’t think much of a book by Edison because he knew Edison wouldn’t have the time to write it and it would only be marginally profitable, perhaps; He planned to send George Lathrop to ask Edison if he might dictate a book using the phonograph. Sam also had Edwin Booth in mind for a book — he’d spent time with him after the Pryor dinner on Oct. 9 and felt a talk with him might be profitable [MTP].

Sam also wrote a note of apology to Candace Wheeler:

I am simply buried under sackcloth & ashes! The ass who does clerical work for me did up the plan in paper without enclosing anything to protect it from getting crushed in the mail…I have his remains on ice, & subject to your order [MTP]. Note: the subject of the plans is unknown, but Livy was involved and mentioned in this and the Oct. 13 letter.

A.B. de Frece for Stanley Reception sent Sam another form letter, this one (as my letter of 1st. inst) to “please find your stage entrance ticket and Reception Committee Badge, for which kindly remit the amount Ten Dollars to Mrs Geo.M. Grant, Treas….” [MTP]. Note: the ticket is in the MTP file, which suggests Sam did not use it.

Frederick J. Hall wrote to Sam about two books: the Jenness-Miller book which he enclosed a vote form for, and a book by Stoddard, which wasn’t to be taken on a royalty until plates were paid for. The first book was “to cover dressing, care of the body, exercise and all other kindred subjects in which ladies are interested.” As for the other, Hall wrote, “I am at a loss what to do in regard to Stoddard’s book. His other books have been successful….principally published by Harper.” He felt they would take “very little risk in losing anything” on the book but wondered why Stoddard wanted no money until the plates were paid for [MTP].

The New York Daily Standard, Vol. VIII No. 16 p.11 carried a notice urging readers to write Mark Twain asking for a book on the Single Tax. This explains the many letters he received asking for something on the idea [MTP note in 17 Oct 1890 Alley to SLC file].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.