October 17, 1890 Friday

October 17 Friday – In Hartford Sam wrote to James B. Pond, who’d asked about the P&P play controversy:

There are two Prince & Pauper plays — one in the hands of a pirate [House], the other in the hands of a person who is the same thing without the name [Frohman]. God be thanked I have no influence with either [MTP].

Henry Ware Alley wrote urging Sam to send his views on the Single Tax to The Standard [MTP].

Katherine (Kate) Foote wrote from Colton, Calif. to Sam. She wished his CY book wasn’t sold by subscription and thought it useless to ask a bookseller for it and so she wrote to him for it [MTP].

Frederick J. Hall wrote to ask when Sam would be down. Could Hall come up to Hartford sometime next week? Sam wrote on the envelope, “Come up if he likes, Brer. I don’t go down soon. But give me 24 hours notice before coming / SLC” [MTP].

Orion Clemens wrote a potpourri to Sam: more physical ailments of Ma. Judge Miller would be buried Saturday in Keokuk, which was now well lighted with electric lights. Orion hoped Sam could succeed in getting Senator Jones to “take hold of the machine.” [MTP].

E.T. Ryan receipted $15.63 for eggs, chickens Apr 14, 24, 28, May 5, 13, 20, July 17, 20, 23, Sept 7, 9, 26, Oct 4, 11, 17 [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.