April 16, 1891 Thursday

April 16 Thursday – According to Sam’s Apr. 23 to Kravchinsky, Livy left this day for Bryn Mawr College to retrieve Susy since the family was leaving for Europe in early June. She may have traveled with a servant or with Mrs. Beach, as before. See entry.

In Hartford Sam wrote a short note of introduction for Sergei Mikhailovich Kravchinski to Richard Watson Gilder of the Century [MTP].

Sam also inscribed a copy of HF to Kravchinski:

Dear Mr. Stepniak —

Last night, after breaking up for the night, Mrs. Clemens said, —

He said there were five perfect novels in the world, & now that I run them over in my mind, there are only four — he certainly didn’t name the fifth.”

I said —

He couldn’t, my dear, with delicacy, while I was present.”

I beg to lay No. 5 at your feet — / Sincerely Yours / SL Clemens [MTP].

Frederick J. Hall wrote a typed one-page letter to Sam, “favor received and contents noted.” Hall noted the law required that “no many shall be given charge of an engine unless he has a certificate …as an engineer….” This related to operating the building’s boilers. Hall had already hired a “colored man positively” to “the position.” Evidently Sam had someone in mind. Also, Senator Ingalls sought an advance to travel in Europe for five or six months, then to return and write a book; Hall felt he should go at his own expense — what did Sam think? Hall again mentioned the securing of a $15,000 loan to “take up your last three notes” [MTP]. Note: Kansas Senator John James Ingalls (1833-1900).

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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