November 17, 1893 Friday

November 17 Friday – In New York, Sam sent a brief letter of introduction for William Gillette to William Dean Howells.

…his errand is not business, but only to shake hands & say howdy [MTHL 2: 654-5].

Note: In 1915 Howells would recommend Gillette for membership in the American Academy of Arts and letters as “a consummate artist” [655n1].

Henry Irving gave an invitation to Sam behind stage at Abbey’s Theatre:

My dear Clemens

Will you give me the pleasure of dining with me on Sunday week 26th Nov. at Delmonicos at half past seven oclock / Believe me / Yours very sincerely / Henry Irving [LLMT 278]. Note: Sam enclosed this invitation in his Nov. 18 to Livy; Since Sam saw the play on Thursday, Nov. 16, it’s not clear why he was again at the theatre to accept this invitation; possibly he wanted to see the performance a second time, as the family sometimes did.

Andrew Carnegie wrote to Sam that “Mr. Mosley will be so glad to see you for five o’clock tea either Thursday, 17th or Monday 21st” [MTP]. Note: 1893 does not fit these dates/days of week, but does fit 1894 — did Carnegie’s friend plan that far ahead? The note is dated in ink as Nov. 15, 1894 but crossed out and in pencil dated in another hand as ’93 with “dated wrong.” The envelope, which appears to fit, is dated 1893, so we have another quandary.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.