November 28, 1893 Tuesday

November 28 Tuesday – In New York Sam wrote to Livy about John Mackay’s letter he thought he’d sent (inviting Sam to talk to her over Mackay’s cable); the gathering of Mackay and a dozen guests Sam joined at the late hour on Nov. 26 into Nov. 27; the book and inscription Sam gave him; going to Mackay’s office at noon the day before (Nov. 27) [LLMT 279-80]. Note: this is the second letter ascribed to Nov. 28 to Livy, the first being a fragment, missing the front of the letter and referring to a dinner given at the Manhattan Club the night before, the same night Sam wrote he dined at the Dana’s. From the fragment:

Last night at the dinner given to me at the Manhattan Club, one of the speakers who has been a special envoy of our government to several courts several years ago, said he had seen three little parcels of books which had made a strong impression on his memory; one was in the private parlor of the President of the Chilean Republic, one was on Bismark’s private writing-desk, & the third was in the boudoir of the Empress of Russia: each of the three parcels contained Tom Sawyer & Huck Finn [MTP].

Sam’s notebook: “Charles A. Dana, 25 E. 60th 7 o’clock.” [NB 33 TS 40].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.