January 22, 1894 Monday

January 22 Monday – In Boston, William H. Rideing (1853-1918), on the editorial staff of Youth’s Companion and North American Review, wrote Sam requesting he submit an essay on “How to Tell a Story” to the Youth’s Companion [MTHHR 19]. Rideing offered $500 for the story [MTP].

Note: The Literary World, Oct. 21, 1893, p.352 in “New York Notes,” ran a paragraph about Rideing, who was born in Liverpool, England and came to the US at age 19; he began his literary career on the N.Y. Tribune, later was connected with the N.Y. Times, Springfield Mass. Republican, and the Boston Journal. Since 1881 he was assoc. editor of The Youth’s Companion, and managing editor of the North American Review form 1887 to 1899:

For several years Mr. Rideing has made frequent trips from Boston to New York in the interest of the North American, and after the first of December he will make frequent trips from New York to Boston in the interest of the Youth’s Companion. Despite his double editorial duties, Mr Rideing writes frequently for the magazines and goes abroad every summer.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.