April 3, 1895 Wednesday

April 3 Wednesday – On the S.S. Paris and nearing Southampton, Sam wrote two letters to H.H. Rogers. In the first (all but the first paragraph is lost) he announced they were approaching Southampton. He reported good weather and a smooth sea for the entire trip. His writing would not come, however:

But I have done no work. Every attempt has failed — a struggle every day, & retreat & defeat at night & all.

Sam asked after Cara Duff’s health, hoping she was “entirely well by this time” [MTHHR 136].

At 11 a.m. Sam wrote again to Rogers. He reported that Mrs. Clarence Rice and her children had “been sick part of the time, but on the whole they have had a pleasant voyage,” and felt they would have an easy trip on to Havre in the evening. Sam then related events of the previous evening, Apr. 2 (see entry). He thanked Rogers and his daughter Mrs. Duff for accompanying him to the ship, and also Mrs. Duff for meeting him and accompanying him to the Rogers home when he arrived in New York on this trip.

It was lucky that I named the 4th of April for the dinner in London instead of the 3d, for we are not going to get into Southampton till along in the night.

Tell Harry to be good and he will be happy. I have not tried it, but I know it’s so [MTHHR 135].

Note: Sam often ended letters to Rogers with a humorous note about Harry Rogers, the teen whom he felt much affection for. The order of these two letters is not clear. MTHHR puts this letter first and the partial letter last.

In the evening the S.S. Paris arrived in Southampton, England. Sam then left for London, where he had an engagement for a dinner given by Henry M. Stanley on the following night.

Henry M. Alden of Harper & Brothers sent Sam a contract to publish JA and TS Detective. [MTP]. Note: Sam signed on Apr. 15 with one added provision.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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