April 28, 1895 Sunday

April 28 Sunday – In Paris at 169 rue de l’Universite, Sam wrote to H.H. Rogers, announcing that the arrangements for the down under, India and South Africa tour had been made. He was still concerned about creditors hounding him if he lectured in the U.S. — if he could get away with it he would sail from Vancouver, B.C. Aug. 16 without succumbing to them. On the matter of his Uniform Edition:

I hope we can arrange with Harpers or Stokes or [Watson] Gill for issuing the books, and that the arrangement can be made and completed as soon as I arrive; if it should take three days, maybe I could reduce Book III of Joan for the magazine in that time, and do have both of those things out of the way. Then I could begin preparing my readings as soon as I reached Elmira. I am already making a few selections now while I’ve got a new touch of the gout.

Livy was exhausted from trunk-packing and he wrote he “would rather see the stuff burned, next time.” They would go to the Hotel Brighton the next day (Apr. 29)

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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