August 31, 1895 Saturday

August 31 SaturdayLivy finished her Aug 30 letter to daughter Susy.

Well we have had an exciting time since I wrote the first part of this letter. Honolulu lights were in sight and we were just looking for our pilot to take us into port, when a little boat with nine or ten people in drew up along side. Everyone supposed it was the pilot. When some one from the little boat said “We cannot board you — there is sickness on the island, we want to speak with the Captain.” …There was cholera in Honolulu! There had been five deaths that day. This was terrible news [MTP]. 

Zmijewski writes:

“Anxious for the pleasure of going ashore, Twain awaited the morning as he was unaware of the official government proclamation published in the papers that same day, which had completely closed Honolulu harbor to the outside world. With the morning came the news and the disappointment. …

“Since Captain Arundel refused to expose his crew and passengers to the hazard of spreading or contracting cholera, the Captain allowed the twenty-two people who wanted to disembark at Honolulu to leave the ship, but insisted that the Warrimoo ‘would not carry any freight, mail or passengers to Sydney.’ Though the auspices of Armstrong Smith, one of the passengers to disembark at Honolulu, Twain sent greetings and expressed regret that he could not land” [26].

This fascinating article also documents the limited contact Sam had with shore during the unloading of cargo, mail and passengers. He shook the hand of Captain Gregory, in charge of the Waialeale, which pulled alongside the Warrimoo and helped with the transfer. Clara Clemens is reported to have snapped a photo of Captain Rice, and of a tug helping with the transfer. Also,

“At least one more instance of contact with Twain has been documented in the local papers, and that was with Clarence Crabbe, a customs officer. Mr. Crabbe, spoke to Mr. Twain, whom he recognized reclining on a deck chair: ‘Would you like to go ashore, Mr. Clemens?’ This was an awful question to tease Clemens with because there was no way such permission could be granted without quarantine at Sydney, and other, perhaps, more deadly consequences. Realizing the hopelessness of the situation, Clemens’ reply to the fantastic draw of paradise within his reach disregarded the two variables over which he had no control: the cholera and his bankruptcy. ‘I would give a thousand dollars to go ashore and not have to return again’” [26].

In the evening, Sam wrote of a beautiful sunset in FE Ch. III, p.60. From this account, it’s clear the Warrimoo did not leave until the next day, Sept. 1. Shillingsburg writes, “No shore leave was allowed, and Twain’s performance was canceled at a widely reported loss of $600” [At Home 21].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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