February 1, 1868 Saturday

February 1 Saturday  Sam wrote from Washington to John Russell Young, editor of the New York Tribune enclosing three Holy Land letters he “smouched” from the Alta bunch:

“…& added 3 at the end of the list to make up the deficiency, but as you will see by the inclosed telegram, they don’t seem to understand it” [MTL 2: 173].

Sam also wrote to Jacob H. Burrough, his old roommate in St. Louis days.

Dear Burroughs— / I have been absent in New York and Hartford for the past ten or twelve days & was glad to find your letter when I got back. It was with 28 others—the other 27 are not answered. I have written 182 note-paper pages of newspaper matter, at a dollar a page, & 7 of magazine stuff at four dollars a page, in the last two days—Oh, no, —I ain’t a steam engine to work, when I get behindhand, I don’t reckon—“it’s the man in the wagon,” as we say in California. If I can wrote as much more in the next two days, I will be all right again. I just want to show them that when I make contracts I am willing to fill them—& then I will throw up all my correspondence except about $75 a week & sail in on my book—because I have made a tip-top, splendid contract with a great publishing house in Hartford for a 600-page volume illustrated—about the size of a Patent Office Report. My percentage is a fifth more than they have ever paid any man but Horace Greeley—I get what amounts to just about the same he was paid. But this is publisher’s secret—keep it to yourself.

      I wish I could see you and talk over old times. Give my love to your 5, my dear old boy. I must answer some of those other letters. Good bye, lad. [sketch of treble clef and two measures of notes for “Auld Lang Syne”] Here’s health & a green memory to the days that are gone! / Always your friend / Sam L. Clemens [MTP, drop-in letters].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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