December 31, 1902

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December 31 Wednesday – Sam’s notebook: “Saw her for 5 minutes” [NB 45 TS 36].

In Riverdale, N.Y. Sam wrote a long letter to Joe Twichell that he added to on Jan. 1, 1903. Sam headed the letter The Last day of a—in some respects—Tough Year being A.D. 1902”:

September 26, 1901

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September 26 Thursday – The Clemens family left Elmira and returned to New York, where, at the Grosvenor Hotel, N.Y. at midnight, Sam wrote a postcard to H.H. Rogers.

Langdon hopes to be able to come.  Yesterday evening I wrote & invited Twichell. / SLC / I’m coming” [MTHHR 474].

September 19, 1901

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September 19 Thursday – In the morning before leaving Saranac Lake, N.Y. Sam wrote a goodbye note to Mr. and Mrs. George V. Duryee, the real estate agent who leased their house over the lake: “Hail and Farewell! / It has been Paradise to us all Summer” [MTP].

Probably this day or Sept. 18 Sam wrote a quick note to H.H. Rogers.

August 20, 1901

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August 20 Tuesday – Sam left N.Y.C. in the a.m. for his return to the family at Saranac Lake, N.Y. His Aug. 23 to Rogers shows the trip took him 17 hours, arriving at 1 a.m. on Aug. 21, and that he spent “a couple of days in bed” with a cold, or, Aug. 21 and 22. On the 27th he wrote Miss O’Reilly that he’d “been Ill since my return until now.”


September 27, 1899

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September 27 Wednesday – In Sanna, Sweden Sam wrote to H.H. Rogers. On the left corner of the envelope: “Dear Mr. Rogers: Won’t you please examine & correct the enclosed & send it to Gilder & ask him to

cable?” [MTP; not in MTHHR]. Note: the enclosed is not known.

Jonas Henrick Kellgren Osteopath billed Sam £300.6.0 for “treatment board and lodging to the 27 Sept.

inclusive” [1899 Financial file MTP].

July 8, 1899

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July 8 Saturday – The family traveled on some four and a half hours by rail from Götenburg to

Jönkoping; then three miles by two-horse landau to Sanna, Sweden. Sam later described Sanna:

Sanna consists of a half a dozen villas belonging to Kellgren—in these the patients live. It is on a vast blue lake, & at its back are the open fields. In the matter of brilliant skies, pure & bracing air, & intense quiet & reposefulness, of course the place is perfection.

July 7, 1899

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July 7 Friday – In London, England on letterhead with “Chelsea Embankment,” Sam wrote to Douglas B. Sladen that he wouldn’t see London before “autumn or the edge of winter,” and thanked the Authors Club for “the honor” which they offered him, and which he regretted he could not take advantage of.

May 27, 1899 Saturday

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May 27 Saturday – The Clemens family rested at Prince of Thurn und Taxis’ country estate outside of Prague [Dolmetsch 312].

The New York Times, p BR351, ran an article about Sam’s desire to have his reminiscences published 100 years in the future:


Views as to Its Publication a Century Hence.