August 2, 1897

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August 2 MondayIn Weggis, Switzerland Sam took advantage of a library to obtain new reading material. Sam’s notebook:

Aug. 2. Monday. Left 5 fr at the circulating library; 3 are a deposit, the 2 pay for 2 books a week. I took a couple of Trollope’s—2 vol. each” [NB 42 TS 23].

In York Harbor, Maine, William Dean Howells wrote to Sam.

August 1, 1897

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August 1 Sunday – Since 1891 the Swiss celebrated this as their National Day (of Independence) owing to a reference in the 1291 Charter for “early August.” Parades, bonfires, and baking marked the day.

Sam’s notebook:

July 31, 1897

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July 31 Saturday – In Weggis, Switzerland Sam wrote to Chatto & Windus, questioning why postage was repaid on a foreign letter; that “Surely that must be an unnecessary expense. / …a fully-paid foreign postage ought to chase a man all over the globe without extra cost” [MTP].

July 30, 1897

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July 30 Friday – In Weggis, Switzerland Sam wrote to Andrew Chatto, whose letter of July 28 cleared up some confusion on proofs and revisions of FE, and Sam’s purpose for wanting copies.

July 29, 1897

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July 29 Thursday – In Weggis, Switzerland Sam wrote to Franklin G. Whitmore in Hartford. The Farmington Ave. house was not to be rented; “it is withdrawn from the field.” Sam also sent congratulations for the Whitmore’s making “the rank of grand-parents,” and sent the family’s love, “Also, love to the boys of my set” [MTP].

July 28, 1897

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July 28 WednesdaySam’s notebook:

July 28. There was no hot weather for breakfast this morning. When we looked out over the lake we found that three great mountain forms along the range that is back from the water were draped down to their shoulders in snow. This royal ermine reveals their rank. They are much higher than Pilatus. We had not supposed that. Pilatus has not a flake on him [NB 42 TS 22].

Andrew Chatto wrote to Sam, letter not extant but referred to in July 30 to Chatto.

July 27, 1897

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July 27 Tuesday – In Weggis, Switzerland Sam telegraphed Frank Bliss, evidently finally arriving at the title for his new book “Following equator” [MTP]. Note: in England, More Tramps Abroad,.

Sam also wrote to Wayne MacVeagh.

July 26, 1897

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July 26 MondayJean Clemens’ seventeenth birthday.

Chatto & Windus wrote a card to Sam that they’d rec’d “two repaired wine glasses with a bill for 8d, which we paid” (this note is a fragment) Sam wrote on their card to send the glasses to 23 Tedworth

[MTP]. Note: how does one “repair” a broken wine glass?

July 25, 1897

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July 25 Sunday – In Weggis, Switzerland Sam wrote again to Chatto & Windus:

“I give it up. These printers pay no attention to my punctuation. Nine-tenths of the labor & vexation put upon me by Messrs. Spothiswoode & Co consists of annihilating their ignorant & purposeless punctuation and restoring my own.”