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- Vail, Theodore, 551
- Vaile, E.0., 838
- Valliant, Leroy B., 603
- Van Buren, Alicia K., 211
- Van Duzer, Frederick C., 661, 668, 677, 698, 737
- Van Dyke, Henry, 75, 155, 156, 196, 217, 220, 297, 304, 390, 585, 622, 944, 1068, 1374
- Van Lindern, Howard, Mr. & Mrs., 889
- Van Loan, C.E., 456
- Van Rennselaer, Schuyler, Mrs., 1306
- van Ruysdael, Jacob Isaackszoon (Artist), 587
- Van Wormer, J.R., 121
- Vander Weyde, William M_, 461
- Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 493, 510, 580, 585, 635, 645, 651, 680, 745, 750, 755, 786, 787, 1306, 1346
- Vanderbilt, Cornelius, Mrs., 859
- Vanderbilt, John, 850
- Vanderbilt, Reginald C., Mrs., 859
- Vanderbilt, William K., Mr. & Mrs., 390
- Vanderhoff, Elsie, 1035
- Vandyke, Herbert, 1169
- Vantassel, C_S_, 789
- Varney, George Leon, 1179
- Vassar girls, 350
- Vaughan, Virginia, 639
- Vaughn, Frank E., 369
- Vaux, C. Bowyer, 300
- Velt, Richard C., 1191
- Venetian Life by Wm. Dean Howells, 426
- Verbach, Mr. & Mrs., 1048
- Verdi, Francis M., 1166
- Verey, Joseph N., 680
- Verner, Ida, 680
- Vernon, Belle, 370
- Vernon, W., Mr., 49, 56, 183, 306, 311
- Vespucci, America Signorina, 757
- Viafora, G., 935
- Vibrating machinc, 1069
- Vicar of St. George, Brentford. See Henrey, Thomas Selby
- Vicar of Veilby, The by Blicher, 1037
- Vickers, Olivia, 624
- Victor Talking-Machine Co. 1297. 1300
- Vienna, Austria, 84
- Vignie (Pére), 929
- Vik, Endre, 671
- Vilas, Anna M. (Mrs. William Freeman Villas), 129?
- Vilas, William Freeman, 1293
- Villa di Quarto, 72
- Villani, Luigi, 1327
- Viper of Milan, The by Marjorie Bowen, 502
- Vitagraph Co. of America, 534
- Vivian, Philip (pscud_). See Phelips, Harry Vivian
- Vogt, A., 1158
- Voices of Doubt and Trust (1897) by Volncey Streamer, 209
- Vollmer, John P., 1323
- Volunteer Emergency Service Medical Corps, NYC, 499
- von Bernstorff, Johann Heinrich, 1147
- von Ende, Herweigh, 887
- von Herkomer, Hubert, 675, 678, 700
- von Kendler, Marion, 227, 1134, 1327
- Von Lossberg, V_F., 943
- von Louis, K_, 1074
- von Reuvers, Hofrath, Dr., 995, 1044, 1051, 1057, 1058, 1067
- Von Schulenburg, Blanche, 1323
- von Suftner, Bertha, 616
- Von Versen, Alice (née Clemens), 194, 771, 995, 1058, 1070, 1119
- Vonnoh, Robert W_, 784
- Voorhees, Oscar M_, 846
- Vorse family, 353
- Vorse, Albert, 338, 341
- Vorse, Albert, Mr. & Mrs., 338, 341, 347
- Vorse, Mary Heaton (Mrs. Albert Vorse), 338
- Voss, William, 585, 589, 623, 626