July 20 Saturday – Sam and J.B. Pond left the ladies at the Grand Hotel in Mackinac and traveled on to Petoskey, Michigan, where Sam gave a lecture in the Grand Opera House. From Pond’s diary:

Saturday, July 20th, Mackinac to Petoskey.

July 21 Sunday – Sam’s notebook:

July 21 ’95. (Sunday.) The “Islander.” This is merely a ferry-boat — 7 ½ mile course, to Mackinac Island. Yet it is neat, nice, comfortable, convenient — neither of those words can be applied to any channel boat, those damned offal-scows [NB 35 TS 13].

From J.B. Ponds diary:

July 22 Monday – In Duluth, Minn. Sam finished his July 20 to H.H. Rogers by adding a PS:

Had a satisfactory time at Petoskey. Crammed the house and turned away a crowd. We had $548 in the house, which was $300 more than it had ever had in it before. I believe I don’t care to have a talk go better than that one did.

Shall get to Duluth just in time to go on the platform. I shall dress before leaving the boat, then go straight to the train after the lecture [MTHHR 173].

July 23 Tuesday – The Clemens party arrived in Minneapolis, Minn. (about 160 miles from Duluth) and checked into the Hotel West.

In the evening Sam gave his lecture at the Metropolitan Opera House. In his letter to Rogers the next day (July 24) Sam thought this night went well, well enough to suit him. Fatout lists a reception and supper speech [MT Speaking 662].

J.B. Ponds diary recorded:

July 24 Wednesday – In Minneapolis, Minn., before going to the other Twin City, Sam wrote to H.H. Rogers, rather upset at the attorneys working his case.

July 25 Thursday – The Clemens spent the day in St. Paul, Minn.

July 26 Friday Jean Clemensfifteenth birthday. (Jean was at Quarry Farm in Elmira.)

The train trip from St. Paul to Winnipeg was about 600 miles. The Clemens party arrived in Winnipeg, Manitoba a little after noon [Scharnhorst 163]. They took rooms at the Manitoba Hotel.

Allingham writes of Winnipeg then:

July 27 Saturday – In the evening Sam gave his “No. 2” lecture in Winnipeg, Canada, his second performance there, which ran 35 minutes longer than Sam intended, so after 90 minutes he offered to let the audience go, but cries of “go on” induced him to finish [July 29 to Rogers].

J.B. Pond’s diary shows some extra activities during the day:

July 28 Sunday – The Clemens party rested a day in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Sam was interviewed by a traveling correspondent, Marie Jousaye, who authored a book of poetry earlier in the year. Her interview appeared in the Toronto Globe on Aug. 10, p.11 “Mark Twain Interviewed,” and may be found in Scharnhorst p.168-171. From Sam’s notebook:

July 29 Monday – From J.B. Pond’s diary:

July 30 Tuesday – Another travel day, interesting as witnessed by Sam’s notebook and Pond’s diary:

July 30. In northern Dakotah; no more wheat; but grass and billowy, rolling, just the Great Plains.

Struck the Missouri at Williston D & followed it several hours to Fort Buford, a large post — 7 p.m. on the border of Montana [NB 35 TS 19].

J.B. Pond’s diary:

July 31 Wednesday – After a trip of some 700 miles from Crookston, Minn. the Clemens party arrived at Great Falls, Mont. From J.B. Ponds informative diary:

August 1 ThursdayJames B. Pond’s diary recorded the day’s travel to Butte, Mont.:

Thursday, August 1st, Great Falls to Butte, Montana. [100+ miles]

We started at 7:35 A.M. All seem tired. The light air and the long drive yesterday told very much on us all.

August 2 FridayJ.B. Pond’s diary recorded the next trip to, Anaconda, Mont.:

August 3 Saturday – The Clemens party (the ladies may have stayed in Butte) traveled some 60 miles to Helena, Mont. and took rooms at the Hotel Helena. Fatout lists a supper speech before the Montana Club [MT Speaking 663]. An incident from that supper from James B. Pond’s diary:

August 4 SundayJames B. Pond’s diary reveals that Livy was again with Sam again on this rest day at the Hotel Helena, in Helena, Montana:

August 5 Monday – In the morning, the Clemens party traveled by train about 100 miles from Helena to Missoula, Mont. Sam’s notebook:

Left Helena for Missoula. Saw in Butte, Dixon & O’Bannon — 27 & 38 years. Helena, Judge Knowles and Tom Campbell — 28 & 32 years.

Beautiful dwellings, green grass & trees. & the gray brown mountains. In H & B saw relatives — 25 years. Fine valley & scenery [NB 35 TS 22].

The day’s events are also recorded in J.B. Pond’s diary:

August 6 Tuesday – In the morning in Missoula Mont., Sam watched the troops drill. Koelbel writes,

August 7 Wednesday – Sam’s notebook in Spokane, Wash.:

See squaws prowling about back doors & windows begging & foraging — a nuisance once familiar to me [NB 35 TS 25].

From J.B. Pond’s diary:

August 8 Thursday – In Spokane, Wash., this was a rest and travel day late for the Clemens party — they would leave at midnight for Tacoma. From J.B. Ponds diary:

We spent all day, August 8th, in Spokane. The hotel was full. The new receiver and his gay party are also spending the day here, but all leave just before the time set for the lecture.

August 9 Friday – In Tacoma, Wash. Sam was shaved by the same barber (not named) who shaved him “19 years ago in Wash.[ington, D.C.]” [NB 35 TS 26].

August 10 Saturday – In the morning Sam and J.B. Pond left Portland to rejoin the ladies at the Olympia Hotel in Olympia, Wash. 

The Sunday Oregonian of Aug. 11 reported on Sam’s leaving — he’d made quite a hit in the city:



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August 11 Sunday – In Tacoma, Washington, another rest day for the Clemens party. These were on Sundays or strategically placed to give Livy time to recover from traveling. Whenever it was possible, Sam and J.B. Pond would travel fairly short distances without the ladies for a lecture in another town. This allowed the ladies to limit their travel fatigue.

August 12 Monday – The Clemens party moved from Olympia to nearby Tacoma, Wash., and took rooms at the Tacoma Hotel. J.B. Pond’s diary for this date:

I had trouble in settling at the Opera House; the manager is a scamp. I expected trouble, and I had it.

August 13 Tuesday – The Clemens party traveled to Seattle, Wash., where they took rooms in The Rainier Hotel. From James B. Ponds diary: