• July 13, 1894 Friday

    Submitted by scott on

    July 13 Friday – En route from Southampton to New York on the S.S. Paris, Sam wrote to Livy:

    Livy darling, we shall arrive early to-morrow — Saturday. It has been an astonishing voyage, as regards weather: warm, brilliant, smooth — the sea is a millpond, all the way over.

  • July 14, 1894 Saturday

    Submitted by scott on

    July 14 Saturday – The American Line steamship S.S. Paris arrived in New York. The N.Y. Times of the following day noted the arrival of Mark Twain [July 15, 1894 p.16 “Well-known Passengers from Europe”] Frank D. Hill the U.S. Consul at Montevideo was also listed, but not Consul Morse who Sam named in his July 6 to Livy.

  • July 15, 1894 Sunday

    Submitted by scott on

    July 15 Sunday – The N.Y. Times, July 16, 1894 p.8 in a column dated July 15, which included several misc. articles announced that Sam was Henry H. Rogers’ guest at the Oriental Hotel today. No enlightenment was given with the announcement.

  • July 16, 1894 Monday

    Submitted by scott on

    July 16 Monday – In New York Sam wrote on Players Club stationery to Mary Mason Fairbanks in Newton, Mass. He was sorry for her “great loss” of her husband, Abel Fairbanks (1817-1894), who died in Boston on July 4 [MTLMF 274]. After a few comforting words, Sam wrote :

  • July 17, 1894 Tuesday

    Submitted by scott on

    July 17 Tuesday – In New York Sam wrote on Players Club stationery to Livy. He’d deposited money, he thought $100, with Drexel Harjes in Paris to cover money that daughter Clara mislaid. The balance of the letter related the Rogers family’s grief over the loss of Abbie Gifford Rogers (Mrs. H.H.

  • July 19, 1894 Thursday

    Submitted by scott on

    July 19 ThursdayH.H. Rogers telegraphed Sam from Washington to ask him to go down to Manhattan Beach with the Rogers family. Sam went down in the afternoon, sleepy and “played out” from the heat that he had to “sit silent” while Cara Rogers Duff and friends talked. After dinner they all went out to watch fireworks.

  • July 20, 1894 Friday

    Submitted by scott on

    July 20 Friday – In New York at the Players Club, Sam wrote to Livy, relating the events of the previous day, July 19 (see entry). Plans to go to Fairhaven with the Rogers family had to wait till H.H. Rogers returned from Washington. The weather was reasonably comfortable. He succeeded in reading daughter Clara’s “Sanskrit letter.”

  • July 22, 1894 Sunday

    Submitted by scott on

    July 22 Sunday – Sam was again at the Oriental Hotel in Manhattan Beach, New York, staying with the Rogers family. On July 23 he wrote Henry C. Robinson that he’d spent the “8 or 9 days that I’ve been in America” at the Oriental in the evenings, and the Players in the daytime.

  • July 23, 1894 Monday

    Submitted by scott on

    July 23 Monday – In New York, Sam wrote Livy two letters — one in the wee hours past midnight from the Oriental Hotel in Manhattan Beach, and the other during the afternoon, ending at 1:15 p.m. at the Players Club.

  • July 24, 1894 Tuesday

    Submitted by scott on

    July 24 TuesdayBainbridge Colby invited Sam to dine at his club in the evening. Present was the senior member of Colby’s law firm, Simon H. Stern (1847-1906), of Stern & Rushmore, as well as two or three other attorneys. Charles E. Rushmore (1857-1931), the other partner, had the distinction of having Mt. Rushmore named after him based on work he did as a young lawyer for mining interests in the Black Hills of South Dakota [NY Times, Oct. 31, 1931 p.17 “C.E. Rushmore Dies”].

  • July 25, 1894 Wednesday

    Submitted by scott on

    July 25 Wednesday – In the morning Sam talked with Dr. Clarence C. Rices brother, and came to the conclusion he wasn’t the man for the job of selling Sam’s stock in the new Paige Compositor Co. Later in the day Sam added in a letter to Livy that “Mr. Rogers doesn’t think much of Rice’s brother” either. Sam opened the letter with:

  • July 26, 1894 Thursday

    Submitted by scott on

    July 26 ThursdayJean Clemensfourteenth birthday.

    In New York at the Players Club Sam wrote to Livy.

    I could kick myself for my heedlessness in trying to tell you yesterday when to look for me; for my letter hadn’t been gone half an hour when I remembered that Mr. Rogers & I will almost certainly have to go to Chicago.

  • July 29, 1894 Sunday

    Submitted by scott on

    July 29 Sunday – In New York on Players Club stationery, Sam wrote to Livy, telling about the Fairhaven trip, sailing with Harry Rogers, H.H.’s teen-age son, and of hiding $25 in change then forgetting where he put it. He’d “ransacked this room thoroughly,” but found “no trace of it.” Sam expected to be delayed in N.Y. by Webster & Co. business but the lawyers estimated they’d be done with him in about ten days.

  • July 30, 1894 Monday

    Submitted by scott on

    July 30 Monday – To avoid the New York City summer heat, Sam spent part of the evening “in a bath tub full of lovely water” [July 31 to Livy].

    The New York Times, July 31, 1894 p.12 “Business Troubles” included this paragraph:

  • July 31, 1894 Tuesday

    Submitted by scott on

    July 31 Tuesday – In New York City Sam wrote to Livy that he was going to Hartford for a day or two; that the trip to Chicago being delayed, that Urban H. Broughton proposed to come east after Aug. 12 and that H.H. Rogers was “about half worn out with work & the heat & the trouble of his great loss.” It was a delay that could not be helped, he wrote. Plus, Rogers’ secretary, Katharine I.

  • August 1894

    Submitted by scott on

    August – Part two of Sam’s “In Defense of Harriet Shelley” ran in the North American Review.

    Sometime during the month Sam wrote Frank Bliss about a lost letter. He asked Bliss to let Peter (probably an assistant) go to the New York office & get a copy of it for him.

    I had it in my hand with my steamer ticket when I came aboard the ship — I am nearly dead-sure of it; but I have hunted everywhere & cannot find it.

    In a week the machine will be in the [Chicago] Herald office! Hope it will anyway.

  • August 2, 1894 Thursday

    Submitted by scott on

    August 2 Thursday – Sam was in Hartford visiting old friends and staying with the Whitmores. He mentioned seeing Susy Warner on this day in his Aug. 3 to daughter Clara. Susy Warner “praised Mrs. Wilson’s character & her abilities as teacher & composer.” Clara was staying with Mrs. Wilson in Canton of Uri, Switzerland, and planned to teach there with her after the family returned to America.

  • August 3, 1894 Friday

    Submitted by scott on

    August 3 Friday – The North American Review published the essay, “In Defense of Harriet Shelley” in July–Sept.

    In New York at the Players Club Sam answered a letter (not extant) from daughter Clara.

    You dear old Black Spider! how glad I was to get your letter an hour or two ago. I was able to read it, too — which is a marvel.