• Across the Prairies

    Submitted by scott on

    Departing the Great Lakes region, July 22, 1895, Twain's party heads for the Great Plains. First though, into an area of tourist attraction, no small part due to to the fantasy world created by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and his Song of Hiawatha, Lake Minnetonka and Minnehaha Falls.

  • July 23, 1895 Tuesday

    Submitted by scott on

    July 23 Tuesday – The Clemens party arrived in Minneapolis, Minn. (about 160 miles from Duluth) and checked into the Hotel West.

    In the evening Sam gave his lecture at the Metropolitan Opera House. In his letter to Rogers the next day (July 24) Sam thought this night went well, well enough to suit him. Fatout lists a reception and supper speech [MT Speaking 662].

    J.B. Ponds diary recorded:

  • July 26, 1895 Friday

    Submitted by scott on

    July 26 Friday Jean Clemensfifteenth birthday. (Jean was at Quarry Farm in Elmira.)

    The train trip from St. Paul to Winnipeg was about 600 miles. The Clemens party arrived in Winnipeg, Manitoba a little after noon [Scharnhorst 163]. They took rooms at the Manitoba Hotel.

    Allingham writes of Winnipeg then:

  • July 27, 1895 Saturday

    Submitted by scott on

    July 27 Saturday – In the evening Sam gave his “No. 2” lecture in Winnipeg, Canada, his second performance there, which ran 35 minutes longer than Sam intended, so after 90 minutes he offered to let the audience go, but cries of “go on” induced him to finish [July 29 to Rogers].

    J.B. Pond’s diary shows some extra activities during the day:

  • July 28, 1895 Sunday

    Submitted by scott on

    July 28 Sunday – The Clemens party rested a day in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Sam was interviewed by a traveling correspondent, Marie Jousaye, who authored a book of poetry earlier in the year. Her interview appeared in the Toronto Globe on Aug. 10, p.11 “Mark Twain Interviewed,” and may be found in Scharnhorst p.168-171. From Sam’s notebook:

  • July 30, 1895 Tuesday

    Submitted by scott on

    July 30 Tuesday – Another travel day, interesting as witnessed by Sam’s notebook and Pond’s diary:

    July 30. In northern Dakotah; no more wheat; but grass and billowy, rolling, just the Great Plains.

    Struck the Missouri at Williston D & followed it several hours to Fort Buford, a large post — 7 p.m. on the border of Montana [NB 35 TS 19].

    J.B. Pond’s diary: