Pacific Springs to Big Sandy Creek Station

Cross Miry Creek . Road down Pacific Creek ; water scarce for 20 miles. After 11 miles, “ Dry Sandy Creek ;' water scarce and too brackish to drink ; grass little ; sage and greasewood plentiful. After 16 miles, “ Sublette's Cut-off,” or the "Dry Drive," turns N . W . to Soda Springs and Fort Hall : the left fork leads to Fort Bridger and Great Salt Lake City. Four miles beyond the junction is “Little Sandy Creek,” 20 -25m2; grass, timber, and good camping-ground. Eight miles beyond-is “ Big Sandy Creek,” clear, swift, and with good crossing, 110 x 2. The southern route is the best ; along the old road, no water for 49 miles. Big Sandy Creek Station........... 33 miles  8 am to 12:50 pm  Aug . 21, 1860

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