Rocky Ridge to Pacific Springs Station

Up the bed of the creek , and, ascending long hills, leave the Sweetwater. After 4 miles, 3 alkaline ponds S . of the road. Rough path. After 7miles, “ Strawberry Creek,” 6 feet wide; good camping ground ; willows and poplars. Onemile beyond is Quaking-Asp Creek, often dry. Three miles beyond lies M 'Achran 's Branch, 33 x 2. Then “ Willow Creek,” 10 X2; good camping -ground . At Ford No. 9 is a Canadian ranch and store . A long table-land leads to “ South Pass ," dividing trip between the Atlantic and Pacific, and thence 2 miles to the station at “ Pacific Springs ;" water, tolerable grass, sage fuel, and musquetoes....  35 miles  7:45 am to  3 pm  Aug. 20, 1860

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