St. Joseph to Cold Spring

Leave St. Joseph, Missouri, in N . lat. 39° 40', and W . long. 94°50'. Cross Missouri River by steam ferry. Five miles of bottom land, bend in river and settlements . Over rolling prairie 2000 feet above sea level. After 6 miles, Troy, capital of Doniphan Co., Kansas Territory, about a dozen shanties. Dine and change mules at Cold Spring 20 - A .M . P .M . -- good water and grass. Road from Fort Leavenworth (N . lat. 39° 21' 14 ", and W . long. 94° 44') falls in at Cold Spring, distant 15 miles. From St. Jo to Cold Spring there are two routes, one lying north of the other, the former 20 , the latter 24 miles in length .  20-24 Miles, 9:30 am - 3 pm, August 7, 1860  [Burton]

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