Cassel or Kassel, Germany

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May 2, 1878

From Bædeker's Northern Germany (1873)  Route 8 page 79

9. Cassel and Environs.

*KŒNiG VON PREUSSEN, next to the post-office;
*HÔTEL SCHIRMER, both in the Königs-Platz, which is remarkable for its sixfold echo;

1; these four are all near the station. *RHEINISCHER HOF, Hedwigs-Str. ; RUSSISCHER HOF, Konigs-Str. 56, with restaurant.
Second class: *RITTER, Mittelgasse ; HESSISCHER HOF , Martins-Platz. *SCHOMBARDT'S HÔTEL at Wilhelmshohe is much frequented, R. from 20, D. at 1 o'clock 20, at. 5 o'clock 30 Sgr., also a pension; carriages to meet the trains. At Wahlershausen, near Wilhelmshöhe, Zur Station Wilhelmshöhe unpretending.

Restaurants. Bohne, Krech both in the Friedrichs - Platz. Beer at the Café Wulp, at the corner of the Museum -Str. and Stände- Platz, at Schaub''s Garden, where concerts are frequently given in the evening,(5 Sgr.), and in the Hôtel Prinz Friedrich Wilhelm. The Belvedere, a restaurant 1/2 M. to the N. of the town commands a pleasing view (follow the road to the Möncheberp, PI. G, 1, and turn to the 1. beyond the new artillery magazines); the. Felsenkeller ( Eisenhart’s, Fingerhut's,[etc.) on the Weinberg, outside the Frankfurter Thor are also good points of view. Café in the Au. Concerts at all these several times a week.

Confectioners. Wulp and *Jung in the Friedrichs-Platz ; Grüneberg, in the Steinweg ; Stautz, adjoining the Russische Hof.

Cabs (Droschken, with one horse). From the station to the town, 1 pers. 5, 2 pers. 7 1/2, 3 pers. 10, 4 pers. 12 Sgr. Drive in the town, 1 pers. 3, 2 pers. 5, 3 pers. 8 Sgr. By time, 1/4 hr. 1 pers. 4, 2 pers. 6, 3 pers. 9 Sgr. ; children under 10 half-fare. Each box 1 Sgr. smaller packages free. At night double fares, except for the drives to and from the station, and from the theatre. For a prolonged drive a bargain should be made.

Carriage ( Fiaker , with two horses) to the hotel at Wilhelmshöhe 2, to the Löwenburg or the Cascades 3, to the Riesenschloss 4 Thlr. (additional gratuitv 15—20 Sgr.). Cab from the Wilhelmshöher Thor to Wahlershausen (l 1/|2 M. from the hotel) 1 pers. 20, 2 pers. 25 Sgr., 3—4 pers. 1 Thlr., return fare one-half. Waiting for 1/2 hr. gratis, for each additional 1/4 hr. 4 Sgr.

Omnibus from the Königs-Platz to Wilhelmshöhe seven times daily in summer , in 35 min. fare 5 Sgr. ; on days when the fountains play, every half -hour from 9 a. m. to 3.30 p. m. , returning to Cassel for the last time at 9 p. m. On these days a seat may be secured by purchasing a ticket beforehand (see advertisements at the hotels). Railway to Stat. Wilhelmshöhe, 1 M. from the hotel, 6, 4, 3 Sgr.

Baths on the Fulda, near the Au; also a Swiimning Bath, beyond the hothouses. Warm Baths: Stück (with Russian vapour-bath), Fuldagasse; Sinning, on the opposite bank of the river.

Theatre, managed by the general superintendent of theatres at Berlin, six times a week. Thalia Theatre for farces, operettas, and comedies.

Exhibition of Modern Pictures at the Neue Kunsthaus in the Stande-Platz, admission 5 Sgr. Another at Krieger's book-shop, in the Friedrichs-Platz.

Principal Attractions: Picture Gallery, Museum, walk through the Angarten, excursion to Wilhelmshöohe.

Cassel (492 ft.), formerly the capital of the Electorate of Hessen, and now the seat of government of the Prussian province Hessen-Nassan, with 46,375 inhab., lies on the Fulda, which separates the Altstadt and Ober - Neustadt from the small Unter- Neustadt. The town which was formerly remarkable for the dullness peculiar to the capital of a small principality has assumed a busier and more prosperous aspect since its annexation to Prussia in 1866. Several new and handsome streets have recently been erected near the station.

Crossing the Stände-Platz, with its double avenue of limes, the traveller soon reaches the spacious Friedrichs-Platz situated between the Altstadt and the Ober -Neustadt. In the centre rises the Statue of the Landgrave Frederick II., a prince who in 1776-84 sent 12,000 of his subjects to aid the English in America in consideration of a sum of 22 million Thlr. On the E. side of the Platz are the old Palace of the Elector, the Neue Palais, and the Museum with its projecting portal. On the W. side are private dwelling houses. On the N. the Theatre. The S. side is open, and a view is obtained through the handsome Friedrichs-Thor Augarten, the valley of the Fulda and the distant hills, of which the Meissner to the l. is the most prominent.

The *Museum Fridericianum, erected in 1779 by the Landgrave Frederick II., contains a collection of curiosities and objects of art founded by the Hessian princes at the close of the 16th cent, and greatly extended in the 18th. Admission gratis; in summer Mon., Tues., Thurs., Frid. 10-1, in winter Tues. and Frid 10-1; at other times on application to the inspector, fee for 1—4 pers. 1 Thir., catalogue 5 Sgr.

I. Hall of the Founders. ...
II. Ancient Sculptures….
III. Anticaglias….
IV. Precious Curiosities….
V. Clock Room….
VI. Mosaics….
VII. First gallery of the cast, earliet period;...
VIII. Circular Room...
IX. 4th Century...
X. Alexandrine to Hadrian...
XI. Models of ancient Roman buildings...
XII-XV. mammalia, birds, amphibious animals, fish, insects ...
XVI—XVIII plants...
XIX Armoury...

The Library (open daily, 10-1), occupying a large hall on the first floor of the building, in front, contains 200,000 vols. And many MSS. (e.g. the oldest of the Hildebrandlied, 9th cent.).

The Bellevue-Schloss, a very extensive edifice with a number of outbuildings, which In 1811-13 was the residence of King Jerome, now contains a celebrated *Picture Gallery founded, by Prince William of Hessen (an officer in the service of the States General) at the beginning of last century. The Dutch and Flemish works constitute the chief treasure of the collection. Admission gratis on Sund. 12-2, Wed. and Sat. 9-1; at other times by payment of a fee. Catalogue 71/2 Sgr. Entrance at the back, by the portal in the Frankfurter Str. A new building for the reception of the gallery has been erected at the end of the Bellevue-Strasse.

I. Room. 369. Rembrandt, Samson struck with blindness;
4. Dürer, Portrait of a man;
*291. Van Dyck, Portrait of the syndic Meustraten at Brussels;
612 Schalken, Penitent Magdalene;
186. Rubens, Diana and her nymphs attacked bv satyrs;
431. G. Dow, Portrait of an old woman;
430. Bow, Portrait of an' old soldier;
*347. Rembrandt, Portrait of a Dutch woman ;
*358. Rembrandt, Portrait of the writing-master Kopenol ;
525. Potter, Cows, sheep, and an old peasant ;
6. Holbein , Portrait of a man
177. Rubens, Jupiter in the form of Diana caressing Calisto ;
293. Van Di/ck, Burgomaster van Leers and his family ;
357. Rembrandt, Bust of a warrior;
*527. Potter, Large cattle piece;
216. Teniers the Elder. Rustic feast ;
*356. Rembrandt, Portrait of a young woman, said to be his own wife;
*176.Rubens, Flight into Egypt;
5. Dürer, Erasmus of Rotterdam;
*367. Rembrandt, Jacob blessing the sons of Joseph ;
290. Van Dyck, The painter Snyders and his wife;
360. Rembrandt, Portrait of himself;
351. Rembrandt, Portrait of the poet Croll;
272. Jordaens, 'King of the beans' (a rustic feast);
*596. Jan Steen, same subject;
*l87. Rubens, Virgin and Child, with saints, an altar-piece;
*372. Rembrandt, Landscape; on the r. near the door,
*348. Rembrandt, Bust of a man wearing a gold chain;
365,355, and (to the 1. of the door)
349. Rembrandt, Portraits of men;
farther to the 1., on the window-wall,
*255. Ger. Hontliorsl (Gerado delle Notti), Old woman weighing gold.

II. Room.
300. Van Dyck, Portrait of clergyman;
579. Hondekoeter, Cock flght;
198. Snyders, Large kitchen piece;
188. Rubens, Mars crowned ;
178. Rubens, Penitent Magdalene ;
256. Honthorst, St. Cecilia;
*593. Van de Velde, Neighbourhood of Scheveningen at low tide;
577. Hondekoeter, White peacock;
353. Rembrandt, Landscape;
to the 1. of the door,
354. Rembrandt, Landscape;
*567. Ruysdael , Landscape with waterfall;
on the wall to the 1.,
38. Mabuse, The Trinity, a winged picture.

III. Room.
270. Jordaens, Porridge eater;
480. Wouvermans. Battle;
268. Jordaens, Himself and his family;
48. Holbein the Younger, Himself and his family ;
230. De Crayer, Adoration of the shepherds;
473. Wouvermans, Four horsemen;
*404. Teniers the Younger, Surgeon's room;
*223. Hals, Two young musicians;
50, 49. Holbein the Younger, Portraits of a woman and a man;
613. Schalken, Penitent Magdalene;
464, Wourermans, Riding-school.

The Copying Room which is next entered frequently contains some of the best pictures in the gallery on easels , where they have been placed for the use of copyists.

Having traversed two smaller rooms the visitor now reaches the Italian Gallerty. Above the stair:
252. Guercino da Cento, Judith with the head of Holofernes;
101. Palma Giovine , Venus and Cupid;
432. Murillo, Two children in Spanish costume;
then farther to the 1.,
*89. Paolo Tcronese , Self-denial of Scipio Africanus;
278. Poussin , Murder of Pompey in a boat near Alexandria ;
*433. Murillo, Joseph and Potiphar's wife ;
29. Raphael, Holy Family;
62. Dan. da VoUerra , Christ bearing his cross;
450. Carlo Dolce, St. Cecilia ;
98. Palma Vecchio , Andromeda released by Perseus;
*20, *21. Titian, Two portraits of women;
125. Ann. Caracci, Tobias anointing the eyes of his blind father;
106. Bassano , Christ with Lazarus and his sisters ;
683. Trevisani, Venus in a shell ;
263. Lo Spagnoletto , Mater dolorosa ;
343. Sassoferrato , Madonna with the sleeping Child.

Last Room. To the 1.
11. Lucas Cranach , Judith with the head of Holofernes;
*384, 385. Terburg, Woman with a lute;
51, 52. Holbein the. Younger, Portraits of men ;
504. Weenix, Fruit piece
'*183 Rubens, Portrait of a Greek;
592. Netscher Italian theatrical masks;
*23.Titian, Cleopatra;
25. Titian, Portrait of Alphonso d'Avalos;
380, 381. Adr. Brouwer, Peasants;
352, Rembrandt, Portrait;
586. Netscher, Mad. De Maintenon;
on the opposite wall,
447 Metsu, Lady giving alms;
625. Weenix, Dead hare;
200, Snyders, Fox with its prey attacked by dogs;

448. Metsu, Woman tuning a lyre, with a man standing behind her;
511. Eeckhout, Circumcision;
399, Ostade, Rustic party;
526, Potter, Cattle piece;
224. Hals, Portrait of a man;
294 Van Dyke, Counsellor of Antwerp;
459.Gonzales, Family picture;
350. Rembrandt, Old man;
*366. Rembrandt, Woodcutter's family;
*364, Rembrandt, The burgomaster Six;
458. Gonzales, Young scholar in Spanish costume with his wife;
225. Hals, Young woman;
854a. Jan van Eyck, Altar piece;
578. Houdekoeter, Cock fight;
*371. Rembrandt, Civie guardsman.

The Prot. Church of St. Martin in the Gothic style, with nave of the 14th and choir of the beginning of the 15th cent., was judiciously restored in 1842. Sacristan's address Hohenthor-Str. 18.

The Monument of Philip the Generous (d. 1567) and his wife, erected by their son William IV., in black marble with white reliefs and profuse gilding occupies the place of the high altar. The Monument of the Landgrave Moritz, in coloured marble, was erected in 1662; opposite to it a monument in bronze, with a likeness of the Landgravine Christina (d. 1549). The Tower (231 ft.) overlooks the red roofs of the town and the environs as far as Wilhelmshöhe. Visitors ring at a small door to the r. of the W. portal.

The eminent historian Johann von Miiller (d. 1809) is interred at the N W. corner of the Old Cemetery, where a monument was erected to his memory in 1852 by King Lewis of Bavaria. The great composer Spoher (d. 1859) reposes in the New Cemetery outside the Hollandische Thor.

The *Auegarten, or Carlsaue near the Friedrichs-Platz, and bounded by the Fulda on the E., the favourite promenade of the inhabitants, was planned by Le Nôtre, the French landscape gardener, in 1709, and contains beautiful trees. Descending from the Friedrichsthor, the visitor soon reaches
the large Orangery, which has been recently restored. The pavilion adjoining it on the W. is the Marmorbad, a large bath-room adorned with marble sculptures, chiefly by Monnot a French sculptor of the last century. Among the statues may be mentioned the Faun, the dancing Bacchante, Bacchus, and Leda; among the scenes from Ovid's Metamorphoses, the reliefs of Apollo and Daphne and Andromeda and Perseus. The custodian, who lives in the opposite (E.) pavilion is generally on the spot (fee 5–10 Sgr.).

From the Wilhelmshöher Thor, a fine avenue of limes, flanked with many handsome dwellings, leads by the village of Wahlershausen to (3 ¾ M.). *Wilhelmshöhe (railway, omnibus, and carriages), formerly the residence of the Elector of Hessen, and celebrated for its park and fountains. The beautiful grounds, partly laid out at the beginning of the 17th cent. Are chiefly indebted to the Landgrave Carl (d. 1730) and the Elector William I. (d 1821) for their present extent.

The Schloss (PI. 1), erected at the end of last century, and occupied by Napoleon III. during the latter part of the Franco-Prussian war in 1870-71, Is a somewhat heavy building, the bodyand wings of which are disposed in the form of a semicircle. The interior is sumptuously fitted up and contains a collection of Chinese and Japanese porcelain, and several good pictures, principally portraits of Hessian princes. The castellan lives on the groundfloor, close to the entrance. Near the Schloss is the Marstall, or stables of the chateau, which have been converted into ahussar-barrack, and adjoining it Schombardt's Hôtel.

A visit to the finest points in the Park, which requires about 4 hrs. (guide 10 Sgr., hardly necessary), may be made in the following order.

From the inn good paths lead to the r. past the Hothouses to the New Waterfall, 130 ft. in height. Ascend thence to the 1. to the Temple of Mercury, and proceed by woodpaths to the Riesenschloss, or Octagon, the highest point in the grounds, 1360 ft. above the Fulda, a strange -looking vaulted
structure in three storeys, surmounted by a colossal statue of the Farnese Hercules in copper (room in the club for 9 pers.). The Grotto in front of the Octagon to the r. contains a water puzzle.

The Cascades descending from the Octagon are 300 yds. In length with large basins at intervals of 50 yds. Pleasant walks descend to the r. passing the Steinhöfer'sche Wasserfall, to the Löwenburg, a modern imitation of an ancient castle, but in bad taste. The view from the platform of the tower is the chief attraction here.

In front of the Schloss is the *Great Fountain, the highest in Europe, and the chief boast of Wilhelmshöhe, which sends up a jet of water 1 ft. in thickness and 200 ft. in height. Near it, to the 1., is the Teufelsbrücke; to the r. the Aqueduct, with a fine waterfall. The Grosse Lac, another large pond to the E. of the chateau, near the road to Cassel, is one of the finest points.

The Fountains play on Ascension-day, then from "Whit-Monday till October (the 'Cascades' and the 'New Waterfall' on Sund. Only) on 3, and on Wed. at 2.30 o'clock. The visitor is recommended to be at the foot of the Cascades at the appointed hour, and to follow the course of the water thence (to the Teufelsbriicke, Aqueduct, Great Fountain, and New Waterfall), as the supply of water is limited and the exhibition therefore of brief duration.

Wilhelmsthal, a chateau of the former Electors of Hessen in the Italian palatial style, with handsome rococo decorations in the interior, lies in a beautiful park, 7 ½ M. to the N.W. of Cassel, and 1 1/2 M. of Mönchehof, the first station on the Cassel and Hofgeismar railway.

51.3158, 9.4979

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