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Forbach is a village in Baden-Württemberg, Germany. It lies in the district of Rastatt. It is located in the Murg river valley, in the northern part of the Black Forest mountains.

From Bædeker's Rhine - 1873: Route 46 page 251

Forbach (Krone conveyances Hirsch and Löwe by the bridge), a thriving village, with a church picturesquely situated on an eminence, is the finest point in the valley. 

The Footpath from Baden to Forbach (12 M) diverges to the r from the carriage road to Ebersteinschloss at a singer post 3/4 M beyond Oberbeuren, being at first a broad track; 3/4 M Geisbach, then (1 1/2 M) Schmalbach, where the road to the 1 must be followed; 1 1/2 M farther the broad path diverges to the r from the road and leads for 1 M along the E slope of the hill, passing a meadow. At the end of the meadow turn to the 1; at a cross way, 1/4 M farther, ascend the hill in a straight direction; in 1/4 M more the main road is reached and is followed for 3/4 M; at the finger post turn to the 1 to Bermersbach (1 1/4 M). The path now ascends to the r by the village well and 1 1/4 M farther reaches Forbach. The first 9 M are chiefly through wood.

A lonely, but easily traced forest path leads from Forbach to the W to (3 hrs) Herrenwies (Auerhahn), a village situated on a bleak and lofty plain surrounded by high mountains. Thence to railway stat Bühl, a beautiful walk of 3 hrs through the Bühlerthal; to the Hornisgrinde and Mummelsee also 3 hrs. Beyond Forbach the Murgthal, although more deserted, continues grand and beautiful, resembling some of the wildest Swiss valleys; below dashes the torrent over scattered rocks, while dark, overhanging pine clad hills rise on either side.

About halfway to Schönmünzach the Rauhmünzach falls into the Murg; 1 M from the confluence the former is augmented by the Schwarzbach, which forms a waterfall (insignificant in dry weather). A new road leads through the valley of the Schwarzbach to (10 1/2 M) Herrenwies.


48.680556, 8.358333

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