George Washington Cable House

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The Cable House is located on the Garden District's west side, on the east side of Eighth Street between Chestnut and Coliseum Streets. It is almost entirely obscured from view by a tall hedge. It is functionally a two-story house, although it was built by Cable as a single-story structure with a full-height basement. Columns in front of the facade provide an arcade on the basement level, and support the porch of the main level. Bracketed posts support the roof above the porch. The house was built by Cable in 1874, shortly after the publication of "Sieur George", the short story that brought him national attention.

The house was Cable's home until 1884, a time period which saw the publication of The Grandissimes: A Story of Creole Life, an ambitious historical romance, and a number of other important works. Mark Twain is said to have been one of Cable's guests here. Cable moved to New England in 1884, but his writing style and content continued to be influenced by his native New Orleans.

Photo courtesy of Miki Pfeffer

29.926353, -90.087167

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