Millersville Station (Wyoming)

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The station received its name from A. B. Miller, a partner of William Russell and William Waddell. Located 20 miles from Ham’s Fork Station and 12 miles from Fort Bridger. Reported to have been at or near where the old Emigrant Road crossed Smith’s Fork. This was formerly Jack Robinson’s Trading Post and the Station Tender was Holmes. An early stage station named for a well known stage driver. (Expedition Utah)

Several sources pinpoint Millersville as a station, including the 1861 mail contract. The station received its name from A. B. Miller, a partner of William Russell and William Waddell. A Mormon named Holmes ran a trading post at the site, and also managed station operations there. In his research, Franzwa mentions Millersville Stage Station which shared its facilities with the Pony Express.(NPS)

41.390205383301, -110.20858001709

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