Oak Grove Station

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Sources disagree about the identity and location of this site in Nuckolls County, Nebraska. According to the 1861 mail contract with the Overland Mail Company, an unnamed station existed in the area. Several sources identify the station as Little Blue, but somen suggest that Little Blue existed later as a separate stage station, four miles northwest of Oak Grove.

Several sources identify the unknown station as Oak Grove, located about one and one-fourth miles southeast of Oak, Nebraska. Al Holladay managed this station, which reportedly had a "Majors and Waddell" store next to it. Ranchers in the area included Roper, Emory, Eubank, and E. S. Comstock, whose land carried the name of Oak Grove Ranch .(NPS)

Note: Mapped is a point about 1.25 mile SE of Oak Grove

40.231052398682, -97.877883911133

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