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From Bædeker's Rhine - 1873 Route 45 page 238
Offenburg (Fortuna; Schwarzer; Adler; Bahnhof Hôtel, near the station) a small town on the Kinzig, contains a statue of Sir Francis Drake, `the introducer of the potato into Europe, 1586.' Modern Gothic church in red sandstone with open tower. It was formerly an imperial town, and down to the Peace of Pressburg, the seat of government of the district of Ortenau, or Mordnau, which anciently belonged to the Duchy of Alemannia or Swabia, while the Uffgau, in which Baden-Baden lies, was Franconian Rhenish territory. The Breisgau adjoins the Ortenau on the S.


48.47312, 7.950751

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