Rock Creek Station (Wyoming)

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Several sources list Rock Creek as a station, which also appears on the 1861 contract. However, these sources disagree about its exact location. Bishop and Henderson place the station between Rocky Ridge (after Warm Springs) and Upper Sweetwater/South Pass. Since Franzwa also places a Pony Express station named Strawberry Station between Rocky Ridge and Upper Sweetwater, it was probably the same site. The Settles identify Rock Creek as a station between Warm Springs and South Pass, while Pierson lists it between St. Mary's and Rocky Ridge. Finally, Loving and Bloss locate Rock Creek between Split Rock and Three Crossings. (NPS)

Located 12 miles from Rocky Ridge Station (St. Marys Station) and 12 miles from Upper Sweetwater Station near old Lewiston town site. It was thought that because of station’s proximity to Strawberry Creek, it should have Strawberry for a station name. The Station Tender was McAchran.
(Expedition Utah)

42.446674346924, -108.50968933106

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